Mondays....I don't really like Mondays, I think it stems from school days but one way or another Monday is not my favourite day.
Because of this I tend to line up plenty of work on a Monday so I don't have any time to think about the fact that its Monday...
Today was no different, potentially 2 jobs lined up that should of kept me busy all day..
So after I dropped off the boys at school I was straight off to my first job.
I arrived toolbox in hand ready for work, but alas no one answered the door, and unusually it was locked.
I took the hint and
proceeded to the next job..
So its was down to the quay to pick up all that vinyl that was delivered on Saturday, easy.
Then off up to Trinity Cottag

es for job no. 2 on the list.
On arrival the lady of the house asked me to postpone the job for a few days to allow more time for decoration. "No problem" I said "See you later in the week, let me know when you're ready"
I was left feeling a bit out of sorts like having the rug pulled
from under your feet.
Luckily I remembered a customer that had stopped me in the Co-op yesterday, so popped around for a measure and show her some samples.
I sorted that little job out and thought I had better put away the remaining roll of vinyl that was on the roof rack...rain was on the way..
With that safely in the garage I thought I may as well pop home for a cuppa and gather my thoughts on what I could do next..
It was getting on for lunchtime by now and I was sat on the sofa happily looking at
Facebook and playing a bit of online pool, I'm quite hooked on
Facebook pool and have set up a league for people of the Isles of
Scilly., I have been top of the league for a while but lost my place today, so was busy playing trying to retain the lead..sounds a bit daft when you type it but hey I like it!
wifey had reminded me that about a couple of
phone calls that needed to be made about returning a
Christmas DVD that didn't play, and a ready bed from Argos that wouldn't stay inflated on the first use of it.
Got that sorted and had a call from my mate Mark who needed his carpet relaying after I took it up last week so he could decorate his lounge over the weekend.
I went around straight away and did that, happy to finally be doing something worthwhile, after all its was supposed to be busy day.
With that job done I packed away the tools and headed back to the car, during the short walk to the car I could hear a roar of
big sea breaking seemingly all around.
Whatever wind we had this morning had all but gone and the sun was trying to break through the cloud, a clear line of cloud was moving away, like you might imagine a front moving across the region as you see on the weather forecast.
Still the sound of the sea was quite eerie, I had to go and take a look.
With the wind blowing
from the south west this morning I figured that the Garrison might well be a good place to go, sure enough I had a view right out to the Western Rock and
Annet and although the wind had gone the swell was large.
Being low tide as well there was large waves breaking and surfing all over the place.
A strange mist had formed a mix of moist air from the recent heavy rain and spray thrown up from the pounding seas.
I took a video, I'll see if I can upload it here later..
Walking back to the car it was evident that there had been
allot of rain, I hadn't noticed any heavy rain, but we must have had an inch this morning I would guess from the amount of standing water.
The birds were having a field day, quite literally.
All over the garrison field there was blackbirds,thrushes and
redwing all trying their hand at digging up worms which had been raised to the surface due to the rain.
Other birds like
reen finches,sparrows and others were happy to see the sun and were all puffed up and drying out in the sun.
I am not a
twitcher, but feel you would be daft to live here and not know what you are looking at when a little bird lands right in front of you.
I know most of our local birds and now with the new camera, I am discovering some of the lesser well known island birds too.
I did get caught up in this moment of nature and was happily snapping away with the camera losing all track of time.
I realised that there was another 2
measures that needed to be done, so went back into town to get one done.
By this time it was time to pick up the boys from school.
I decided to drive home and walk to

school, so we could have a nice walk home along the beach, mainly because I had spotted a punt that didn't have a good night and was looking very sorry for itself washed up on Old Town beach.
Sure enough the boys were interested in it..
With the boys home safely it left one measure to do.
I popped in to drop my dad's papers on the way and he gave me an old box of
newspapers to take to the dump.
Got that sorted and home for tea, to find that I needed to take the eldest boy to the new badminton club in town before we could eat.
We had a lovely bit of tea and then it was off to pick up the boy from badminton and settle down for the evening.
I really enjoyed downloading my pics tonight, had some cracking pics of those birds.
So put them
straight onto
SWC, that was Monday 12
th January..I wonder what tomorrow will bring?