Today started early after being woken at 6.30 a.m by our youngest son who clearly thought that we should all be awake if he was.
We will be buying a blackout blind for him VERY soon!
I used the extra hour or so to lie in bed and listen to Steve Watts ramblings on Radio Scilly, the first time I have had it on when the programme " Scilly Sunrise" started!
a needed to go to school to ask the teacher or someone a question so took a couple of pics on the way.

The usual suspects of Old Town Bay were present, a Little Egret and a Greenshank.
The Heron was about but I didn't spot him while I was walking.
After school drop off I went straight off up to Mincarlo to do the landing carpet.
It was fairly straight forward but took a while and I didn't really get done until nearly lunchtime.
It did look good though..
Then I took a trip down the quay to see if my 2 missing rolls of underlay were there and there they were.
I picked them up and headed for
Wingletang Guest House to do a bedroom carpet.
There floor was a bit ropey and needed some attention before putting down the carpet.
I set about fixing the floor and left some special rapid hardening leveling compound to dry and went to lunch.

By the time I had had lunch and got back to work, the leveling was more or less dry so I could get on with the job.
I had it all don

e by 3ish and headed off to 3 Well Cross to do a bedroom and hallway.
This was fairly straight forward but not a straight wall in sight so took a while to get fitted.
I finished just about 6ish.
A long time spent on my knees today and lots more to come...
I have decided that once all my holiday lets and B&Bs' are done that I am definitely taking a few days off.
Probably to try and get my boat in.
Something to look forward to!
Tonight was pool night and we played at home in the Atlantic Inn.
We played the Mermaid "B" team and won 7-2.
It was a good evening as usual and as always nice to get out with my mates for a drink.
Tomorrow brings a mixed bag of work and football practise too..