Yep another busy day today.
In fact I was so busy that I didn't even find time to take even one picture!!
So also a picture less day too.
I am off to a football club meeting in a minute so may not have time to add anything to this later either.
Never mind the weekend is nearly here, but another big job tomorrow with a lounge bedroom and hallway to do for my mate Scot.
So that will be most of the day then!
With any luck I'll have a bit of time to take some pics tomorrow.
Cheers for now.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Carpets and Kite Surfers
We all left the house this morning to go to school in the sunshine with a gale blowing.
Not normally a problem but today the boys were in fancy dress for today is world book day and they could go as characters from books.
Brandon went as a black goose, he looked good when we left the house but his webbed feet didn't do too well with the walk down the school path due to the high winds.
It was fair to say that he wasn't impressed.
The other 2 boys managed to keep the fancy dress in one piece Mike going as "Ben 10" and our youngest going as Harry and his bucket full of dinosaurs....however he wasn't too keen on dinosaurs so substituted them for penguins instead, his favourite creature!
After school drop off I went straight to the quay to see what the boat had brought.
I am very pleased to say that there was a small mountain of carpets that should keep me very busy for at least a week and there more to come on the next boat leaving tomorrow afternoon.
Ideal, now I can finally get cracking and start ticking off some jobs at last.
My job list was getting bigger and bigger but should ease a bit now!
First job this morning was a front room in non slip
The floor was quite rough so I really had to give it some attention before fitting.
I had it fitted before lunch though and went to take a few pics on the way home as it was looking lovely with the tide in and bright sunshine and blue skies,lovely!
After lunch I just needed to stick down the vinyl and it didn't take long.
When the job was done I went
to the quay to take away all of my carpets.While on the quay I spotted a rock pipit very close searching for scraps to eat.
I then delivered them to Beachfield House B&B where I am renewing all of the bedroom carpets.
Should have it all done by the end of Monday even though its a big one.
I managed to get one room nearly done today and it was one of the bigger rooms so some good progress made there today.
I knocked off just after 5 and headed home for tea, as I left I could see a couple of k
ite surfers at Porth
mellon, so headed around the corner to see if I could get some pics.
They were just about to stop, One guy was walking up the beach as I was walking down the waters edge.
On closer inspection I could see that it was my mate Peter Hicks still out on the water, as he got close to me he shouted that the wind was really dropping off and he was going to pack in, but not before I caught him in a couple of "poses"!
If you see a kite surfer over here and he is doing lots of jumps then it is most likely Peter, he has been at it for the longest over here and looks very much at ease with the whole thing.
I held his kite very briefly today and man there is some pull in it.
You must need to be so careful!
So then I headed home for tea and I've not been out since!
Tomorrow brings a whole heap of work but I feel like I have a bit more control over the situation now!
Not normally a problem but today the boys were in fancy dress for today is world book day and they could go as characters from books.
Brandon went as a black goose, he looked good when we left the house but his webbed feet didn't do too well with the walk down the school path due to the high winds.
It was fair to say that he wasn't impressed.
The other 2 boys managed to keep the fancy dress in one piece Mike going as "Ben 10" and our youngest going as Harry and his bucket full of dinosaurs....however he wasn't too keen on dinosaurs so substituted them for penguins instead, his favourite creature!
After school drop off I went straight to the quay to see what the boat had brought.
I am very pleased to say that there was a small mountain of carpets that should keep me very busy for at least a week and there more to come on the next boat leaving tomorrow afternoon.
Ideal, now I can finally get cracking and start ticking off some jobs at last.
My job list was getting bigger and bigger but should ease a bit now!
First job this morning was a front room in non slip

The floor was quite rough so I really had to give it some attention before fitting.
I had it fitted before lunch though and went to take a few pics on the way home as it was looking lovely with the tide in and bright sunshine and blue skies,lovely!
After lunch I just needed to stick down the vinyl and it didn't take long.
When the job was done I went

I then delivered them to Beachfield House B&B where I am renewing all of the bedroom carpets.
Should have it all done by the end of Monday even though its a big one.
I managed to get one room nearly done today and it was one of the bigger rooms so some good progress made there today.
I knocked off just after 5 and headed home for tea, as I left I could see a couple of k

They were just about to stop, One guy was walking up the beach as I was walking down the waters edge.
On closer inspection I could see that it was my mate Peter Hicks still out on the water, as he got close to me he shouted that the wind was really dropping off and he was going to pack in, but not before I caught him in a couple of "poses"!
If you see a kite surfer over here and he is doing lots of jumps then it is most likely Peter, he has been at it for the longest over here and looks very much at ease with the whole thing.
I held his kite very briefly today and man there is some pull in it.
You must need to be so careful!
So then I headed home for tea and I've not been out since!
Tomorrow brings a whole heap of work but I feel like I have a bit more control over the situation now!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Busy busy again!
No end to work at the moment, with a big consignment coming in tonight on the Gry with any luck!
The past 2 days have been all vinyl in bathrooms of different shapes and sizes.
I have done 5 and also a kitchen all in non slip vinyl.
The method of fitting vinyl me
ans that it needs to be stuck down all over to ensure i
t doesn't stretch or move or even curl at the edges, also in bathrooms I normally put down some clear Silicone around the edge to make sure that no water gets underneath the vinyl and to prevent any flood troubles.
The upshot of all the sticking down is that I use my hands to push the non slip vinyl onto the floor all over to make sure there are no bubbles or air underneath.
Now I have sore fingertips from all of the friction!
More vinyl to do tomorrow as well so may well get some gloves!!
Its good to be busy but really I am too busy now and suffocating in the workload as I seems to be running out of time to do all the jobs.
I'm sure it will all get done,but
I'm going to have to work really hard and may not f
the time to update so much!
Last night was pool night and we took on the Sons of the Desert or SODS from the Old Town Inn.
We played them already this season and they won 6-3, last night was no different despite having the home advantage they still beat us.
Apparently we are 3rd in the "league" just behind the SODS and miles behind the leaders who I think are the Bishop "A". team.
We don't take it too seriously so are not too bothered about the league position...that said its always nice to win!!
The weather of the past couple of days has taken a wintry feel with frequent rain yesterday and heavy hail in the night, with today bringing more heavy showers with a mix of rain,sleet and hail thrown in depending where you might be on the island!
I am pleased to report the Maxi the guinea pig is doing well after her cyst removal and you would hardly know that she had a huge lump on her back, bless her.
I have a couple of pics to put on in a bit from a very grey yesterday and a bit better today!
I am seriously running out of hard drive space on my laptop and am looking for an external hard drive to ease the burden!
Any recommendations gratefully received!
So that's all I have time for today, I'll get some pics up later on if I get time!
The past 2 days have been all vinyl in bathrooms of different shapes and sizes.
I have done 5 and also a kitchen all in non slip vinyl.
The method of fitting vinyl me

The upshot of all the sticking down is that I use my hands to push the non slip vinyl onto the floor all over to make sure there are no bubbles or air underneath.
Now I have sore fingertips from all of the friction!
More vinyl to do tomorrow as well so may well get some gloves!!
Its good to be busy but really I am too busy now and suffocating in the workload as I seems to be running out of time to do all the jobs.
I'm sure it will all get done,but

Last night was pool night and we took on the Sons of the Desert or SODS from the Old Town Inn.
We played them already this season and they won 6-3, last night was no different despite having the home advantage they still beat us.
Apparently we are 3rd in the "league" just behind the SODS and miles behind the leaders who I think are the Bishop "A". team.
We don't take it too seriously so are not too bothered about the league position...that said its always nice to win!!
The weather of the past couple of days has taken a wintry feel with frequent rain yesterday and heavy hail in the night, with today bringing more heavy showers with a mix of rain,sleet and hail thrown in depending where you might be on the island!
I am pleased to report the Maxi the guinea pig is doing well after her cyst removal and you would hardly know that she had a huge lump on her back, bless her.
I have a couple of pics to put on in a bit from a very grey yesterday and a bit better today!
I am seriously running out of hard drive space on my laptop and am looking for an external hard drive to ease the burden!
Any recommendations gratefully received!
So that's all I have time for today, I'll get some pics up later on if I get time!
Monday, 2 March 2009
Another Monday is upon us and it heralds the start of my busiest month of the year.
So far none of my carpets for my biggest jobs have turned up, but they should all start arriving this week.
With the lack of carpets to fit I didn't exactly rush off to work this morning,its fair to say that I don't like Mondays anyway on the best of weeks.
Today however was a beau
tiful day and the walk to school provided the best v
iew of the day across Old Town beach with the tide high it was looking lovely.
At school I bumped into Heike the vet and mentioned that one or our guinea pigs has a nasty lump on her back and that it looked like a big cyst.
She made an appointment for me there and then at the school and by 10a.m I took poor Maxi around.
She had a sebaceous cyst that had got really quite big,
we had noticed it before we went away but had really got very large by the time we got home and was still growing and now starting to looks sore.
The removal of the cyst was a fairly straight forward task and she was soon back home and looking happier.
She looks happy tonight too which is good!
After that it was still very lovely weather wise so I hung out another 2 loads of washing.
I have to say that its not as if the weather hasn't been fit to hang out washing, but in our garden it really need to be a nice breeze combined with bright sunshine and also have the time in the day to hang it all out.
Usually we just hang it on airers inside and around the place.
Its been good to get some air through the clothes and they look better for it..
I then had a call to attend to which I duly did and even started a small job, only to find that I needed some gripper that won't be here until tomorrow morning so went home for lunch.
As it was so good we ate outside in the sunshine, after lunch in the garden it was evident that the garden could do with some attention so having no immediate jobs to do we set about tidying and re securing the roses away from little hands.
I had fixed the gate and mowed the lawn yesterday, and after today's efforts it looking really quite neat,shame that its going to rain for the next couple of days.
I thought that I should try and get some work done so headed off to Westford House B&B to continue with their en suite bathrooms.
I had received some new Cd's through the post before I had left home, so I happily sang to myself for the rest of the afternoon.
I managed to get 3 fitted and decided that would be enough, so then popped to the Co-op for a few bits and bobs for tea.
So then home for tea and by now it was starting to cloud over a sign that the weather is on the change.
Well it was good while it lasted and has given me a real taste for spring and summer.
It won't be long before I have the boat in and am off to other islands and beaches.
I can't wait, just got to get through this busy March and I'll be happy!
So far none of my carpets for my biggest jobs have turned up, but they should all start arriving this week.
With the lack of carpets to fit I didn't exactly rush off to work this morning,its fair to say that I don't like Mondays anyway on the best of weeks.
Today however was a beau

At school I bumped into Heike the vet and mentioned that one or our guinea pigs has a nasty lump on her back and that it looked like a big cyst.
She made an appointment for me there and then at the school and by 10a.m I took poor Maxi around.
She had a sebaceous cyst that had got really quite big,
we had noticed it before we went away but had really got very large by the time we got home and was still growing and now starting to looks sore.
The removal of the cyst was a fairly straight forward task and she was soon back home and looking happier.
She looks happy tonight too which is good!
After that it was still very lovely weather wise so I hung out another 2 loads of washing.
I have to say that its not as if the weather hasn't been fit to hang out washing, but in our garden it really need to be a nice breeze combined with bright sunshine and also have the time in the day to hang it all out.
Usually we just hang it on airers inside and around the place.
Its been good to get some air through the clothes and they look better for it..
I then had a call to attend to which I duly did and even started a small job, only to find that I needed some gripper that won't be here until tomorrow morning so went home for lunch.
As it was so good we ate outside in the sunshine, after lunch in the garden it was evident that the garden could do with some attention so having no immediate jobs to do we set about tidying and re securing the roses away from little hands.
I had fixed the gate and mowed the lawn yesterday, and after today's efforts it looking really quite neat,shame that its going to rain for the next couple of days.
I thought that I should try and get some work done so headed off to Westford House B&B to continue with their en suite bathrooms.
I had received some new Cd's through the post before I had left home, so I happily sang to myself for the rest of the afternoon.
I managed to get 3 fitted and decided that would be enough, so then popped to the Co-op for a few bits and bobs for tea.
So then home for tea and by now it was starting to cloud over a sign that the weather is on the change.
Well it was good while it lasted and has given me a real taste for spring and summer.
It won't be long before I have the boat in and am off to other islands and beaches.
I can't wait, just got to get through this busy March and I'll be happy!
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Aaah Sunday!
The day started well with a good lie in, didn't get up until about 9ish and then on opening the curtains it revealed a beautiful sunny day.
So after breakfast it was outside to hang out the washing,first time this year outside!
With a cool dry north westerly and the warm sun it was perfect drying weather, good job because there was 2 loads to peg out!
With that job done we all headed up to the Garrison to watch the footie match and have a kick about.
We headed down to the harbour after the match and saw a new boat in the harbour.
It is a taster of the new medical launc
h that is owned by James Terry.
This boat is not his, but has the same hull.
James' boat has been custom built for the job and look to be a winner.
From what I hear she should be here in a few weeks all being well.
After a quick lunch all of the boys were happy playing different games and not as keen as me to go out again for a walk somewhere.
Wifey found me some jobs in the garden that needed doing so after letting the guinea pigs have a run about in the long grass I set about mowing the lawn and fixing the back gate that someone had broken.
Looked as if it had been kicked in or rather out!
With those jobs done it was late afternoon, so I got the washing in and did my bit for tea by peeling some spuds!
It was now a lovely evening with not a cloud in the sky.
After tea at around 6.30 it was still pretty light outside, a great sign that spring is on the way, and now my thoughts are turning to preparing the boat for the new season.
I hope to have her in first week in April with any luck.
So that was my day, another busy day awaits tomorrow but I think I am getting a grip of it now and have a plan to get it all done.
I am planning a week off in April at the end of term to have a bit of a break and maybe do some fishing and boating and stuff!
Looking forward to it!
The day started well with a good lie in, didn't get up until about 9ish and then on opening the curtains it revealed a beautiful sunny day.
So after breakfast it was outside to hang out the washing,first time this year outside!
With a cool dry north westerly and the warm sun it was perfect drying weather, good job because there was 2 loads to peg out!
With that job done we all headed up to the Garrison to watch the footie match and have a kick about.
We headed down to the harbour after the match and saw a new boat in the harbour.
It is a taster of the new medical launc

This boat is not his, but has the same hull.
James' boat has been custom built for the job and look to be a winner.
From what I hear she should be here in a few weeks all being well.
After a quick lunch all of the boys were happy playing different games and not as keen as me to go out again for a walk somewhere.
Wifey found me some jobs in the garden that needed doing so after letting the guinea pigs have a run about in the long grass I set about mowing the lawn and fixing the back gate that someone had broken.
Looked as if it had been kicked in or rather out!
With those jobs done it was late afternoon, so I got the washing in and did my bit for tea by peeling some spuds!
It was now a lovely evening with not a cloud in the sky.
After tea at around 6.30 it was still pretty light outside, a great sign that spring is on the way, and now my thoughts are turning to preparing the boat for the new season.
I hope to have her in first week in April with any luck.
So that was my day, another busy day awaits tomorrow but I think I am getting a grip of it now and have a plan to get it all done.
I am planning a week off in April at the end of term to have a bit of a break and maybe do some fishing and boating and stuff!
Looking forward to it!
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