Thursday, 12 March 2009

Busy and St Martins

Wednesday was a bit of a blurr for me as I spent all day at my mate Scots' house doing vinyl in his kitchen,dining area and utility,I even went back in the evening after a wicked football coaching session with the kids to finish off the vinyl.
He was moving back into his house today and I spent an hour or so putting the cooker and other stuff back into the kitchen with him and also a bit of finishing off with the carpet that I did on Saturday..
After that I had a very small carpet to re lay after it had been lifted in order to do some decorating.
With that done I organised a trip to St Martins to do a couple of measures and to fit a carpet at Up Idas at Signal Row, this one was a carpet that I had measured in correctly and needed to order another piece of carpet..
The job was ready to go and didn't take too long to do.
With that done, I went off to do my measures.
On the way there was time to take a few pics.
St Martins is one of my favourite islands I think I could live on St Martins probably easier than any other off island although I do think that I could also give Bryher and maybe St Agnes a try too.
There are plenty of views to enjoy from higher town as it looks out over the Eastern Isles and St Marys in the distance.
Its always good to find a different perspective to view your home.
We are lucky here on Scilly as a short boat trip can change your perspective entirely and sometimes you can feel like you are a million miles from anywhere let alone your home that can never be far away over here!
The weather was a marked improvement on yesterdays mist and murk, I am very pleased as My youngest little chap had a mainland trip away today with DW and it was good to have them back this afternoon.
When it has been foggy you always have doubt that the helicopter could stop at any time....
Luckily they had no such problems today and managed to catch up with the mail, papers and freight that has been building up at Penzance heliport due to no heli flights for 3 days!

So the St Martins work was done and all that remained was a trip home on the Lightning.
This was a fairly tame ride home today as the wind was quite light for the time of year and I was home by 4.30.
Just in time to collect DW and son from the airport.
She brought home a great big cake that she bought in Iceland for Mikes' birthday..he is 11 today!
So after tea we had the family around and shared the big cake 12 was lovely!
And that was Thursday 12th March!

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