Tuesday, 14 April 2009

So after a lovely sunny day and the 3 before it, it came as no surprise that today the rain came.
It was no bad thing though as I had a mountain of bills to type up and send out.
It took me all morning to get them sorted out,the whole time it was raining.
So I didn't miss much.
After lunch I still had a bit more paper work to do, and by around 2 ish or so I decided to go out to buy some fresh bread and other goodies that the Scillonian had brought in.
At the same time while I was out I thought I may as well drop off my bills by hand.
Brandon was keen to help and would make a great postman as he just loved running and posting the bills through the letterboxes, bless him.
By now the rain had stopped for while and now started again.
Just as I got to the Strand it was clearing away for the second time at which point I thought i'd get some pics.
The only pics i'd managed so far were a couple of the pair of Dunnocks that we have in the front garden.
Well I say garden more like mud patch!
The pics of the Dunnocks are ok considering that this pair never stop still for more than a couple of seconds due to next doors very vigilant and great bird catching cat.
He gets quite a few Sparrows, but these Dunnocks are far less confident and very nervy.
On the way home from town I stopped briefly at Old Town bank to see a yacht sailing pass the bay.
It was clearly quite choppy out there in the tide, quite a difference from yesterdays calmness.
Well its back to work for me tomorrow and I see the sun will e making an apppearance again.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the cat has already had the tail feathers off one of the Dunnocks! close call by the looks of it, Phill.
